32 – Personal data privacy

In our digitalised world more and more of our personal information is registered in network computers and servers. Stakeholders handling personal information thus need to make sure their systems are secure and maintain the integrity of individuals. Automated privacy audits is one approach to ensure that stakeholders do in fact maintain the privacy of personal data. But as Jenni Reuben shows in her research, these audits can themselves subject to privacy risks. In our conversation Jenni, Ph.D. student in computer science, tells more about these risks and of the model she proposes to prevent illegitimate access to personal data. To read Jenni Reuben’s dissertation please follow this link: Privacy-aware Use of Accountability Evidence

31 – Environmentalism in fiction writing

The topic of this episode is environmental apocalypses in fiction writing. We discuss this with Marinette Grimbeek, who in her doctoral thesis investigates the environmentalism of Margaret Atwood’s MaddAddam Trilogy. In fact, her research leads her out of the novels, as she finds that the MaddAddam Trilogy forms part of Atwood’s real-world environmental activism. In our conversation, Marinette describes how Atwood plays with the boundaries between fact and fiction, commercialism and activism, to promote an ecological understanding of the world. To read Marinette Grimbeek’s doctoral thesis follow this link: Margaret Atwood’s Environmentalism : Apocalypse and Satire in the MaddAddam Trilogy


26 – The crossroads of mediatization, activism and surveillance

We rely more and more on networked media technologies and online communication channels but are we aware that the digital traces we leave behind turn into data pieces about us – that others can use?

Ilkin Mehrabov has focused on this this type of surveillance in his thesis “All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace”. In this podcast he tells us about his interest to learn more about the intersection of the processes of increased global surveillance with the practices of transnational activism – and the role of the mediatization metaprocess within both.

Follow us on our journey in which Ilkin explains how he tried to entangle the complex relationships built by public state agencies with a number of local and global private information, entertainment and telecommunications companies in different countries.

We will also learn more about how various social movements and individual activists in Azerbaijan and Turkey are affected by this merger of public political and private economic surveillance practices.

23 – Pratar vi om socialt lidande?

Hur påverkar hög arbetsbelastning mottagandet av invandrarkvinnor inom psykiatrin? I podden pratar vi med Mona Lindqvist om hennes avhandling “Speaking about social suffering? Subjective understandings and lived experiences of migrant women and therapists” som ni kan läsa här: bit.ly/2twn4gX

Mona berättar om kontrasten mellan invandrarkvinnors sökande efter tillhörighet i värdsamhället å ena sidan och personalens dilemma att hantera det tunga känslomässiga arbetet samtidigt som arbetstakten accelererar.

20 – Making high-quality pulp from trees

In this podcast, we are digging deeper into the world of pulp and paper. Pulp is generally produced from wood and has a significant impact on our everyday life: we are dependent on the wide range of products that are made from it such as paper, textiles and personal care products. Raghu Deshpande tells us about his PhD thesis “The initial phase of sodium sulfite pulping of softwood: A comparison of different pulping options, in which he tried to find the perfect recipe to produce high-quality pulp from softwood. His focus has been on sulfite pulping, which is more competitive than Kraft pulping when producing dissolving grade pulp with biorefinery applications.

19 – How to make mobile health systems secure and privacy-preserving

Information security and privacy are vital to achieve high quality healthcare services. In this podcast we dig deeper into this issue together with Leonardo Horn Iwaya who has studied how to make Mobile Health (mHealth) systems secure and privacy-preserving. He tells us about the ever-increasing tendency of using mobile devices (e.g., mobile phones, sensors, smartwatches) to support medical and public health and the problems that come along with it due to failures in addressing security and privacy issues. After listening to this podcast you will also know more about the design of security and privacy enhancing technologies for mHealth, specially in Mobile Data Collection Systems, in which traditional paper forms are replaced by a mobile application for collecting and reporting health-related data used for public programs such as health surveys and surveillance. If you want to know more you can read his licentiate thesis here: http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-46982