68- The human side of idea screening

For businesses to stay competitive and survive, it is vital for them to take good care of ideas aiming at evolving the enterprise. However, assessing and evaluating new ideas, idea screening, can take time and resources, it often acts as a bottle neck during the innovation process. Thus far, research on idea screening, has focused more on the technical and procedural aspects, leaving the human side of the process aside. For this reason, in his research Alexandre Sukhov, Ph.D. in Business Administration, has taken the perspective of the individuals involved as evaluators of ideas. By investigating more than 1,300 idea screening cases performed by 245 people, he has come to the conclusion that there is more to the process than mere screening. In fact, evaluators are co-constructing the very ideas they are set to screen. In our interview, Alexandre explains what this means for our understanding of the innovation process, and how his results can help businesses improve their innovation processes .

Alexandre Sukhov’s doctoral thesis can be downloaded from DiVA: The Human Side of Idea Screening

67 – Stresshantering med sjuksköterskestudenter

Stress är ett vanligt problem för högskolestudenter. Statistik från den nationella folkhälsoenkäten (2018) visar att studenter upplever större stress än den yrkesverksamma befolkningen som helhet. Går det att komma tillrätta med detta genom insatser i utbildningen? Detta undersöker psykologiforskaren Ulrik Terp i sin forskning. Han har utformat en stresshanteringsintervention som han genomfört med sjuksköterskestudenter. Under tio veckors tid har han träffat studenterna och genomfört övningar i syfte att förebygga och minska deras stress. I vårt samtal berättar Ulrik mer om hur interventionen gått till, och om resultaten av den.

Ulrik Terps doktorsavhandling i psykologi kan hämtas från DiVA: Cognitive Behavioral Stress Management Training for Nursing Students