26 – The crossroads of mediatization, activism and surveillance

We rely more and more on networked media technologies and online communication channels but are we aware that the digital traces we leave behind turn into data pieces about us – that others can use?

Ilkin Mehrabov has focused on this this type of surveillance in his thesis “All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace”. In this podcast he tells us about his interest to learn more about the intersection of the processes of increased global surveillance with the practices of transnational activism – and the role of the mediatization metaprocess within both.

Follow us on our journey in which Ilkin explains how he tried to entangle the complex relationships built by public state agencies with a number of local and global private information, entertainment and telecommunications companies in different countries.

We will also learn more about how various social movements and individual activists in Azerbaijan and Turkey are affected by this merger of public political and private economic surveillance practices.

11 – Synen på arbetslöshet

Vad finns det för olika synsätt på arbetslöshet, och hur påverkar dessa arbetslösa människor i Sverige idag? Detta undersöker arbetsvetaren Jennifer Hobbins i sin doktorsavhandling Samhälle, individ och ansvar. En studie om synen på arbetslöshet. I vårt samtal berättar hon om sina analyser av rättslig reglering och civilsamhälleliga organisationers verksamheter, samt om sina möten med arbetslösa människor.